October 28th, 2021, Marinette, WI – ChemDesign, a custom and toll chemical manufacturing company in Marinette, WI, has added increased solvent recovery capability to one of the production facilities. This addition to the production building is in line with the company’s corporate sustainability initiative relating to the environment. Ultimately, the system will effectively capture solvents from production and enable their reuse and recycling in the manufacturing process. The benefit of this closed-loop system is that it allows for the reuse of nitrogen and increases the amount of solvent captured and recycled. This system is expected to increase solvent recovery rates, as well as reduce the use of other materials.
About ChemDesign’s Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative
Enhanced materials management, waste reduction, and continuous process improvement are key to how ChemDesign manages operations and interacts with customers. We believe in finding new ways to improve things by collaborating with our customers to create smart solutions.
Recently, the company has partnered with EcoVadis®, the world’s most recognized provider of sustainability ratings. EcoVadis® tests and rates the performance of companies in the areas of environmental protection, labor, and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Sustainability is now a determining factor for our customers and our suppliers. We are proud to embark on this journey with EcoVadis to become an enhanced provider of chemical toll manufacturing services.
Kevin Possi, the Building-52 manager, is proud to see these improvements being made in the production site, “This system is a great way to drive sustainability through improved efficiency within our production unit”. Looking for a chemical toll manufacturer in the specialty, fine, and agricultural chemicals market? Our team can work with you to create solutions to your toll processing needs. Get in contact with us today by filling out the contact form on our website.