ChemDesign Products, Inc.

ChemDesign Employee Fishing Derby 2023

The second ChemDesign Employee Fishing Derby was a great success! The fishing event spanned two weekends, July 15th, 2023, and July 29th, 2023, to cover all shift worker crews. We had a total of 13 individuals participate and two teams for a total of 17 people. Teams consisted of two people, one required to be an employee of ChemDesign. The competition was fierce, but in the end, several lucky anglers were able to reel in some impressive catches.

The weather was perfect – partially sunny with a pleasant breeze. The teams gathered at Menekaunee Harbor in Marinette, WI, at 5:30 AM to register, equipped with fishing rods and bait. This friendly competition offered a great opportunity to get to know each other beyond the workplace. The Menominee River was the only fishing location allowed. The event was limited to catching Bass and Walleye. The top 3 catches in each category, as determined by total inches, received cash prizes funded by entry fees and a company match. The winners for the best catch were:

Brian Bourgeois, the Manager of HR and Employee Development, was able to multitask by grilling brats while driving his boat. This was the perfect way for all participants to refuel and relax after a busy morning. According to Jeremy Decker, the Shift Supervisor, the derby was a great time out on the water, even though they didn’t catch much fish. Jeremy’s favorite part of the day was when he snapped a picture of a bald eagle. Shane Johnson, the Chemical Operator of B-38, arrived later and in style. He won the Angler’s Choice award with his unique choice of swim trunks.

Overall, it was a good time that brought employees together to celebrate the joy of fishing. If you missed this year’s fishing derby, make sure to join us next time!

About ChemDesign: ChemDesign produces fine, specialty, and agricultural chemicals for the largest and most reliable chemical manufacturers worldwide. ChemDesign is based in Marinette, WI, and offers stable career opportunities in operations and manufacturing. Check out our careers page.

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